Tuesday, March 27, 2012

His Woman: A Justin Combs Story Ch.4 1/2

His Woman: A Justin Combs Story Ch.4 1/2
Wanted Khalil POV: I need to go pick up a few more things for my little angel Mina, so I was getting ready to go pick up my girl Jasmine. I know that my mom is not too happy that I'm with Jasmine at the moment because she loves Maria and wishes that I would have stayed with her. But in all honesty Karmina was the best accident of my life. Maria has been one of my best girl friends since middle school way before I met Lea and her sisters in high school. We were always close, and one night we got drunk and Mina came about. I respect that she kept my child, but I don't really see her as anything else but a best friend. Jasmine on the other hand. I met her in college, she was a dancer and boy was she fine. We lost touch but reconnected after Mina turned two. For a year now we have been getting to know each other, and I'm starting to love everything about her. I got to her house that she shares with her sister and got out to go ring the doorbell. She opened the door looking beaut! iful to just be going with me to the mall and to get something to eat! www.polyvore.com Jasmine: Hey Baby! She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. I grabbed her ass and she started giggling. I grabbed her hand after she locked up and walked her to the car. Once we were in I backed out her driveway and headed to the mall. Me: How is my pretty lady? Jasmine: I'm good! Are you sure that it's not a problem for me to come with you to Mina's birthday party tomorrow? Me: Baby I told you it will be ...

JAZZthing 93 2012 Video.wmv

JAZZthing 93 2012 Video.wmv
Cooles Musikmagazin alle 2 Monate neu im Zeitschriftenladen oder im Bahnhofsbuchhandel Aus dem Inhalt: Kenny Garrett "Das Leben ändert sich und mit ihm die Musik" Special: American Jazz Heroes, Teil 7 Phil Woods, Clark Terry, Sheila Jordan, Clare Fischer Esperanza Spalding Magnus Öström & Dan Berglund Quadro Nuevo Aki Takase Sven Kacirek Jazzkantine Michael Kiwanuka Silje Nergaard Mehr Relevanz! Mehr Respekt! Mehr Mut! Anmerkungen und Gedanken zur laufenden "Jazzdebatte" Tim Berne Es gab Zeiten, da veröffentlichte Tim Berne gefühlte zehn Platten im Jahr. In der letzten Zeit hat er sich jedoch rar gemacht. Hin und wieder mal ein Lebenszeichen auf Clean Feed, zwei Jobs als Sideman bei David Torn und Mike Fomanek für ECM, und das war's. Mit seinem neuen Album „Snakeoil" (ECM/Universal) holt er nun weit aus. In einem Quartett, zu dem Klarinettist Oscar Noriega, Pianist Matt Mitchell und Drummer Ches Smith gehören, stellt er sich völlig neu auf. Die Wut des Poeten Gianm! aria Testa Als Leonard Cohen Italiens ist dieser Mann nicht umsonst bekannt. Kennzeichen des Cantautore aus dem Piemont waren auf den vergangenen Platten stets seine ruhigen, intimen Arrangements, gepaart mit einer delikat brummenden Sprechstimme, die feinsinnige Alltagsbeobachtungen vortrug. Zara McFarlane Andere, wie die stärksten und zugleich eingängigsten Stücke „Mama Done", „More Than Mine", „Blossom Tree" und „Until Tomorrow", waren von Anfang an Jazzsongs erster Güte und stammen aus der Feder von Zara ...